
Airth and Wrole, a pair of human researchers, moved through the cave, mouths open with awe. The walls of the cave were alive with bioluminescence. Moths that glowed green in the dark nested here, and their larvae was just starting to mature and acquire their trademark glow..

Not much was known about these moths or their fantastic glowing ability, but Airth and Wrole were determined to change that.

“This place is stunning,” Airth breathed.

“No kidding,” Wrole agreed, setting down his pack which held all of his notes and research samples. “But you said that about the last place too.”

“And it was true then, wasn’t it?” She shot back, smirking. She held the lantern, firelight quickly illuminating the moist cave walls and lit briefly upon a pair of glowing eyes as she turned to her partner.

Wrole chuckled, removing his hat to wipe away his sweat with the back of his hand as he stood by her. “Yeah, I guess it was. But you’d think being a researcher with as many years of experience as you, these sights would have lost their charm.”

“That’s interesting coming from you, a man who just received several awards for their paper. What was it titled? ‘The Importance of Finding Wonder Even in a World of Magic and Adventure?’”

“Ack, don’t remind me.” He shuddered. “I’ll have to give an acceptance speech at the ceremony, you know. I hate doing that.”

She laughed and returned her attention to the walls. “The faster we collect this data, the sooner you’ll be able to brush up on your public speaking skills."

As she finished speaking, they heard rustling from Wrole’s bag. Airth quickly shined the light toward the bag, illuminating the pack as it shook and jerked around.

“I think the data is already in the bag,” Wrole said, approaching it slowly.

“Be careful,” Airth cautioned.

But Wrole had already picked up the bag. He opened the flap and gasped.

“What is it?” She asked, moving quickly to his side. She looked inside of it and said, “Oh!”

There was a white tabby kitten rummaging around inside. His tail twitched with mischief.

“How did he get in there?” Airth asked.

“I don’t know, but he’s got his claws in my notes.”

The kitten had already crinkled several of the pages and had punctured a few holes in the edges of the cover with his little teeth. He moved to make more holes when Wrole said, “Stop that!”

The kitten did stop, but he looked up at them with wide yellow eyes. Airth and Wrole’s hearts melted simultaneously. How could such a naughty creature look so innocent?

Airth reached in to pet his soft fur, and he purred loudly, as if he were a full grown tiger.

“What a purr,” Wrole said. “What do we do with him?”

“We’ll take him to Miss Becky,” she replied, “She always knows where kittens should go.”

