
One quiet evening, one of the regulars at the Grinning Kitten Inn, got up from her seat to get a refill of her tea. While she was gone, Dozer, an orange striped kitty whose legs and belly looked like they were dipped in cream moved in to take the warm, vacated seat.

There were only a few patrons sitting in the tavern and the inn’s kittens had chosen their favorite spots to curl up and sleep. It should have been a quiet end to an otherwise bustling day, but Dozer had other plans.

After claiming the seat, Dozer took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and yelled, pulling the attention of the customer’s closest to his table. They realized quickly that nothing was wrong with the kitty; Dozer was a barbarian, and one that just loved the sound of his own voice. One of his favorite things to do, when not bothering Sylvie or Samhain, was to share his vocal talents with the rest of the tavern…even at the expense of the patrons’ peace.

The innkeeper behind the bar of the Grinning Kitten gave an apologetic smile to the customer, both for the fact that Dozer had stolen her seat and for his sudden singing.

The regular only smiled. “I’m nearly finished with my book anyway,” she said. When the innkeeper finished making her tea, she accepted the mug and went to the library to continue her reading.

Only a few minutes later, Dozer stopped his opera to sniff the air. It was the scent of a fresh clay pot chicken that pulled his attention, and he longed for a taste. He hopped down from the chair and rushed to the bar where the delicious dish had been set. All that was left was for one of the innkeepers to cut it for the patron who’d put in the order.

Dozer leapt onto the counter, salivating as he watched the steam lift from the chicken.

“Don’t,” the innkeeper warned, carving knife slicing through the chicken like butter. “It’s not for you.”

But Dozer pretended he hadn’t heard as he crouched down, butt lifted in the air, pupils dilated.

A girl and a young boy barged in through the door. They pointed to where Dozer was standing on the counter, ready to snatch away a piece of chicken as soon as the innkeeper looked away.

“Dozer!” They exclaimed, rushing toward him.

At the sound of their voices, Dozer dropped down and met them halfway. Dozer mewed loudly as the girl picked him up.

“I knew we should’ve checked here,” she told the boy. “Where else would he go but the Grinning Kitten?”

The boy nodded. “Three hours later and we find him here.” He scratched Dozer behind his ear. “I’m glad we stopped by.”

“Thank you for watching him for us,” the girl said. “We’re taking him home now.”

The innkeeper set down the knife and waved. “It was no trouble! We’ll see you again really soon!”



