
Mia was so very excited!

In just a few short minutes, she would be at her destination: The Grinning Kitten Inn, the perfect spot for kitties and humans alike to hang out. With her mind on the delicious treats that she knew waited for her at the inn and the fellow kitties she knew waited for her guidance, she decided to run the last few steps, unable to wait a moment longer. Her bag of holding, which contained all of her rogue effects, was securely tied around her neck, thanks to the assistance of her parents.

“I can’t wait, can’t wait!” She said to herself, fit to burst with excitement. She ran inside through the kitty door, her claws skidding across the smooth, hardwood floors. Brightness shone through the inn’s many windows. At one window, she found a black kitty sitting at the sill, watching squirrels down below.

Mia leapt onto the ledge beside such a cat and mewed a loud, “Hello!”

Samhain jumped. A kitty of pure darkness with only a pair of orange eyes and a large, pink mouth to give her away, Samhain wasn’t used to being spotted. Of course, her best hiding spots were not directly in the path of a sunny window. Samhain’s stealth was top-notch, but her awareness of the things going on around her was quite low — a feature, perhaps, of her being a barbarian.

“Don’t sneak up on me again.”

“Or what?” Mia challenged, tail twitching from side to side. Samhain pawed at Mia, but the smaller kitty was more agile, and flitted just out of reach. Samhain tried another halfhearted swipe, but when seeing it was futile, decided to slip under a nearby table and nurse her pride. Unfortunately, that meant that Mia’s would-be playmate was undetectable. Mia looked around for another kitty and found Leon napping on the table, his white, raccoon tail wrapped around him made him look like the foam art on the latte that visitors loved to order. She dropped from the ledge and dashed over to Leon. She hopped onto the table and delivered a swift hit to the top of his head.

“Mmrrpt?” Leon lifted his head, staring with sleepy, aquamarine eyes at the kitty who had disturbed him.

Mia crouched low, her tail swishing in the air. “Play with me!”

Leon stared at her, blinking slowly. She wanted fun and attention from the sleepy Cleric, but it was obvious that he wanted nothing more than to get back to sleep. Fortunately, the final kitty of the shop—a gray tortie whose chin was pure white—sat at the bar. It was the mysterious Sylvie. Hers was a spot of some import because she was the real owner of the Grinning Kitten Inn. Her parents were on the human paperwork as the owners, but every kitten knew who truly called the shots. Sylvie had been watching Mia on her trek through the inn and was waiting to see when Mia would notice her. But this was taking too long for Sylvie’s liking. Sylvie hopped down from the ledge and onto the table with Leon and Mia. Sylvie, another rogue, pounced on Mia, and the two fell onto the table to wrestle and nip playfully at each other’s fur.

Leon, greatly offended by all of this activity, drew away to another sunlit table to resume his nap.



